You provide the church.

We provide the resources.

Cultivate purity in your church today.

Satan knows that men are visual creatures. Although pornography uses visual images to capture our attention, the real problem is the heart. Overcoming addiction of any kind is not primarily about controlling behaviors, but inviting the Holy Spirit to transform the affections of our heart.

We were made to worship, and we will. Our events help men address the heart problem by providing testimonies of men who have experienced freedom from porn, and a presentation on the power of the Gospel to provide hope and help in the battle for sexual purity.

Our Purity Events are the launch point for men to battle, in the context of the local church, for sexual purity.

Satan wants us isolated, shamed, feeling hopeless and helpless. When the local church hosts an event, men can find the freedom in Christ that we were meant for, and with other brothers walk in newness of life for the glory of God and the good of their family. The follow-up training to the purity event, which highlights the importance of accountability and transparency, is instrumental in helping men walk in the light.